As I’m beginning my 8th season of covering high school basketball by promoting athletes, teams, and coaches, from a non-traditional media standpoint, there are going to be some changes to the way I’ll be sharing the content. This season the site will require a small yearly membership fee to acess all of the daily scores, highlight clips, full game videos, live scoring, game recaps, computer rankings with daily game projections, team pages, articles and anything else added. (Details about the membership are added below.)
I’ve always treated the coverage I provide as a full-time gig even though it was my 3rd work option behind my full-time job and other sports consulting venture. Traveling all over Section 2 for live coverage along with providing full game highlights, tracking down nightly scores and creating post game reports from emails sometimes made a 10+ hour day into 14-16+ hour day. Oh yeah, and then running the prior night’s game scores, for the rankings/projections the next day.
This season the coverage is going to be cranked up even more with my recent decision to retire early from my full time job after 24 years. The plan is to cover more games and create more content than in past seasons. The addition of new camera equipment for photos and short videos will enable me to hit multiple spots on certain nights, a couple of times a week, on the days where I’m not doing live play by play scoring and full game video at one location.
As with anything new, people usually don’t like change especially if it costs them a few bucks to use something that was originally free of charge. I’ll just say that if you liked the way the site has approached the coverage in the past I believe you’ll be happy with the new plan as well.
The cost to view everything on the site is going to be $19.99 a year for a membership. The membership will renew automatically in one year but you can cancel before the next year’s charge is due by clicking the my My Dashboard link on the top of every page or by emailing the site at info@section2basketball.com.
NOTE to Coaches: Any coach that shares their nightly post game stats, that are sent to traditional media outlets, will get FREE access to the site. So attach info@section2basketball.com to the media emails when you send out the post game stats after games. (You’ll have to create a site username and password and I’ll manually turn your free membership on) You can create an account by going to the plans page here. Click subscribe and click register now. Fill out the info and then check your email to click confirmation link. If it sends you to the checkout just close the window. Send me the username and I’ll activate access to your account.
-Go to the tab Plans on the top of every page or click this link and click subscribe now.

-You’ll now be on the checkout page. If you have a site username and password enter that information where it asks for username and password. If you don’t have one, click the Register Now link on the right hand side of the page. Enter your name, username, email address and password you’d like then click register and check out. After you’ve registered your account and successfully checked out, go back to your email and click the confirmation link to the site. (Check your spam folder if you don’t receive the email from the site in your regular email.) Then log in. Site login form is in the middle of the home page or click the Login tab on the top of every page.

-The site checkout is through PAYPAL. You can use your paypal account or use a debit or credit card. I’ve been using this platform for online $$ transactions for as long as I remember and it’s safe and secure. No hassle and great support.
-After you’ve registered your account and successfully checked out, go back to your email and click the confirmation link to the site. Then log in. Site login form is in the middle of the home page or easily accessible on the top over every page.

-My plan is to slowly expand coverage to other Section 2 sports, after Section 2 basketball ends, in the spring and fall so your yearly membership will get you access to that coverage as well. However, the main content provided on the site will run from November through March. Adding more basketball Summer League coverage along with extra AAU events are expected, too.
-Please don’t share your username and password with anyone for your protection and ours. Any violators will lose their account privileges.
-Any questions can be emailed at info@section2basketball.com .
Thanks as always for supporting our coverage of local basketball, Ed.